Purifying Incense Qigong

Cleanse Your Body and Mind for Renewed Vitality

12 session online course 

Cleanse, Renew & Rejuvenate


Gain greater mobility

Release tension & stress

Aid the smooth circulation of Qi

Increase energy & vitality


Live your best life.


Incense Qigong is a powerful 16 movement series that helps cleanse and energize the body and mind, release tension and stagnant energy, and align our body for optimal health. The name Incense is the symbology of incense being used for cleansing in certain traditions. No incense is actually used in this practice.


In this 12-session online course, you will learn these 16 movements as well as Kidney Qigong to build vitality.

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MODULE 1:  Your Journey Begins. Discover the Power of Conscious Breathing

In this class, you will learn:

What Qigong is and how practicing supports our body, our mind and our overall energy and vitality.

What is Qi?

3 Sources of Qi

8 Important points to know when practicing Qigong

3 Regulations

What are channels, meridians and vessels?

Two major energy channels of the body - the Governing and Conception Vessels


Deep Abdominal Breathing Exercise ~ The Power of the Breath

Learn the important benefits and the power of deep abdominal breathing.


Introduction to Incense Qigong

Opening movement — Transformation of Water

            This movement opens the central channel of the body, the spine and the  nervous system.


MODULE 2: Opening the Energy Channels and Releasing Stress

Review Deep Abdominal Breathing


Introduction to Kidney Qigong ~ Learn about the kidneys from a qigong perspective. 

Learn a Kidney Qigong Movement & Sound to support and tonify the Kidneys.


Review Opening of Incense Qigong

Learn Movement 1: Golden Dragon Shakes Its Tail 

      This movement helps to open the sides of the spine and gives the body the chance to open all the energy channels and nervous system.

MODULE 3: Opening the Joints and Strengthening the Lungs

Review Deep Abdominal Breathing


Review Kidney Qigong Movement from Module 1


Review Opening and Movement 1 of Incense Qigong 

Learn Movement 2: Jade Phoenix Nods Her Head

      This movement opens the front and back of the spine. It helps the entire body to extend and helps every joint to open.      

Learn Movement 3:    Bring in the Sweet Aroma

      This movement cleanses and strengthens the lungs. It ‘pumps up’ the entire body.

MODULE 4:  Aiding Digestion and Nourishing the Kidneys

Review Deep Abdominal Breathing


Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements

Learn Movement 4:  Play The Zither

      This movement aides digestion and the stomach. It strengthens the somatic area  and assists moving nutrition throughout the body.


Learn Kidney Qigong - Circulating Heaven and Earth

MODULE 5:  Opening the Channels and Joining Together

Review Deep Abdominal Breathing


Review Kidney Qigong Circulating Heaven and Earth


Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements

Learn Movement 5: Wood Fish Separates

      This movement opens the Yin and Yang channels of the body. It joins together the nervous system, lung/heart, and digestive system.

MODULE 6:  Cleansing the Body and Unifying the Whole

Deep Abdominal Breathing


 Review Kidney Qigong

     Movement & Sound to Tonify Kidneys

     Circulating Heaven & Earth


Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements

Learn Movement 6:  Wind Blowing the Lotus Leaves

      This movement is for cleansing the body

Learn Movements 7 & 8 - Turning the Sky & Earth Around

      These movements are for integrating all of the movements we just completed.

MODULE 7:   Connecting to the Earth and Developing a Strong, Grounded Feeling

Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements

Learn Movement 9 - Rowing the Boat Across the Ocean

      Connecting energy flows from the ground up. Develops a strong, grounded  feeling

MODULE 8:  Strengthening the Kidneys and Relaxing the Organs

Learn Kidney Qigong - Riding the Waves 


Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements

Learn Movement 10 - Prayer Wheel Turning Forever

      Massage for internal organs

MODULE 9:   Creating Space

Review  Kidney Qigong - Riding the Waves


Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements

Learn Movement 11 - Da Mo Rocks the Boat

      Opens the rib cage and creates space for internal organs.

MODULE 10:  Joining together

Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements

Learn Movement 12 - Double Wind Blows in the Ear

      Joins energies deep inside body.

Learn Movement 13 - Golden Light Shines in the Eyes

     Gather energy from the earth and strengthen the eyes.

MODULE 11:  Integrating the Whole & Bringing It Together

Review Prior Incense Qigong Movements 

Learn Movement 14 - Separate Palms

      Bringing whole body, physical and energy flows, back together

 Learn Movement 15 - Hands Close Together

      Gives the opportunity to line everything up and feel the cleansing deep inside.

MODULE 12:   Practice Is the Key

Full Review and Practice

Deep Abdominal Breathing

Kidney Qigong Movements

Complete Incense Qigong Sequence


What you will receive


Twelve 60-minute Class Sessions

Individual movements broken down in separate videos

PDF Manual of Incense Qigong Set



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